1. For drawing a line, kite boleh click on line tool n drag je line tu kat stage..then kite boleh jugak tukar warna utk line yg dah dilukis by clicking on stroke color...kalau nak tukar thickness pulak boleh choose kat stroke height..boleh jugak tukar stroke style mengikut kehendak dan citarasa masing2 heee.. kat bwh ni saya bagi contoh line yg saya dh lukis : stroke color : blue, stroke size: 12, stroke style : solid
2. For drawing a curve, kite boleh gune line tool and selection tool.. agak susah nak explain dgn kate2 tapi untuk nak lukis curve, just gune selection tool and select the straight line, tapi kena make sure ade curve line kat bawah arrow selection tool tu..
3. For drawing various shapes, kite boleh click pada rectangle tool / oval tool.. we can change the colour of the shapes as well by selecting the shape, dan terus tukar kepada warna yg dikehendaki, simple je kan2??
4. Pencil tool.. function nye same macam pensel 2B atau pensel2 jenama lain, tapi special nye pencil tool dalam flash cs3 ni, kite boleh tukar pencil mode (straighten, smooth or ink)..ape perbezaan ketiga2 mode ni??? boleh view kat bawah ni ye..
5. Pen tool... pen tool pulak boleh digunakan utk lukis objek, macam senang jugak guna pen tool ni sebab kita just click pada point yg kita nak jadikan bentuk....contohnye, kalau kite nk lukis hexagon, click je pada 6 points, kalau nk lukis rectangle, click 4 points and so on.. jgn lupe last sekali mesti click edit and deselect all ok =)..
6. Basic coloring.. for coloring, kita gunakan brush tool, ink bottle and paint bucket tool.. eyedropper tool pulak kite guna kalau nak pick color sample.. lepas gigih melukis, now its time for coloring and this is the product of mine.. agak comot so kena improve lagi ni huhuhu..
ok x payah nk gelak2 ..sy tau drawing sy agak kaku haha..
Onion skin tool.. penah dengar x?? ianya bukan lah sejenis makanan ye haha.. saya pon first time tau ade tool macam ni.. actually tool ni sangat berguna untuk tangan yang kaku seperti saya.. mane x nye, tool ni akan bantu kita untuk trace gambar, cartoon character, atau ape saje.. hebat kan?? Ok lets start explore this onion skin tool..
1. Click 'File', "Import', select 'Import to library'.
2. Right click on frame 2, then click 'Insert keyframe'.
3. Click on frame1, then drag your image on the stage.
4. Go back to frame 2, and click on 'Onion skin' tool.
5. Now, start tracing your image on the second keyframe.
6. Right click on the first keyframe and select 'remove frame'.
![]() |
This is my pooh by using onion skin tool |
7. Start coloring your image..
![]() |
Amboi, seksi plak menatang ni haha |
8. Do not forget to convert your image to graphic symbol, click on 'Modify', "convert to symbol', choose the type as 'Graphic', then click 'Ok'.
Maka terhasil lah The Pooh yang x berape nak smooth ni hehe.. kira ok la kan for first trial *ayat nak sedapkan hati*
orait, nanti kite continue lagi pasal the beauty of flash cs3 ni.. wait for the next entry k..daaaaaa =)
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